lilac-and-ten, smooth-haired |
41 days old |
41 days old |
3,5 months old |
3,5 months old |
1 year old |
Father Zolotarik O`Sharle long-haired red |
Champion of Belarus Eniseyskaya Zhemchuzhinka Chub Chubaysa smooth-haired brown-and-ten |
Champion of Russia Zhavoronok iz Psov Gospodnih smooth-haired brown-and-ten |
Kessi smooth-haired blue-and-ten |
Chika-Alya smooth-haired pale |
Kevin O`Sharle smooth-haired black-and-ten |
Monika smooth-haired red |
Мother Yurmala Vayolit smooth-haired lilac-and-ten |
Bingo Blue Boy smooth-haired blue-and-ten |
Richy smooth-haired black-and-ten |
Angelina Tip Top smooth-haired black-and-ten |
Sofiya ? lilac-and-ten |
3 | |
4 |